Professional Publications

Social Service Review Aronowitz, Eugene, and Weinberg, Denise. "The Utilization of Reinforcement Theory in Social Group Work Practice, Social Service Review, 40 (December 1966): 390-396.

Social Work

Aronowitz, Eugene. "Ulterior Motives in Games: Implications for Group Work with Children," Social Work, 13 (October 1968): 50-55.

PublicWelfare 90h Bates, Charles W., and Aronowitz, Eugene. "The Local Agency's Place in Welfare's Pecking Order: Environment and Challenge," Public Welfare, 35 (Fall 1977): 18-24.

Prevention Borck, Leslie E., and Aronowitz, Eugene. "The Role of a Self-Help Clearinghouse," Prevention in Human Services, I (Summer 1981): 121-129. (This Journal issue was also published as a volume entitled Helping People to Help Themselves: Self-Help and Prevention. New York: The Haworth Press, 1982.

NationaSelfHelpClearinghouse 90h Borck, Leslie E, and Aronowitz, Eugene. Organizing a Self-Help Clearinghouse. New York: National Self-Help Clearinghouse, 1981.

Cover Prevention Strategiew for Mental Health Aronowitz, Eugene, Editor. Prevention Strategies for Mental Health. New York: Prodist, 1982.

Mental Health and Long TermPhysical Illness Aronowitz, Eugene, and Bromberg, Eleanor M., Editors. Mental Health and Long-Term Physical Illness. Canton, Massachusetts: Prodist, 1984.

Mental Health and Violence Aronowitz, Eugene and Sussman, Robert, Editors. Mental Health and Violence. Canton, Massachusetts: Prodist, 1985.

Mental Health and Violence Aronowitz, Eugene. "Mental Health and Violence: A Personal Perspective," in Aronowitz, Eugene and Sussman, Robert, Editors. Mental Health and Violence. Canton, Massachusetts: Prodist, 1985.


Borck, Leslie E., and Aronowitz, Eugene. "How to Organize a Self-Help Clearinghouse," Initiative (A Journal of the Canadian Council on Social Development), 2 February, 1986: 1.

Mental Health and Aging

Aronowitz, Eugene, and Bromberg, Eleanor M., Editors. Mental Health and Aging, Canton, Massachusetts: Prodist, 1986.

Issues In Community Mental Health Aronowitz, Eugene, and Sussman, Robert, Editors. Issues in Community Mental Health: Youth, Canton, Massachusetts: Prodist, 1987.

CoalitionStressTest Aronowitz, Eugene, and Dan Still. A Stress Test on the Impact of the New York State Office of Mental Health’s Proposed Clinic Restructuring Initiative. Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies, May, 2010.

NASW Eugene Aronowitz. A Brief (But Explosive) History of Pay-Per-Session Social Work Practice in Mental Health Clinics, Currents. New York City National Association of Social Workers. November-December 2012.

BHN 60w Eugene Aronowitz. Self-Reflections on Self-Determination in Harm Reduction. Behavioral Health News.  Volume 5, No. 4.  Spring 2018. Page 24