
I began my work career in my early teens in a fruit and vegetable store but was fired after two days. I was the captain of a baseball team, and a game was scheduled. I chose to play rather than work and called in sick, claiming ridiculously that I had hurt my back while lifting the fruit crates. The next day, the boss said I would probably continue to hurt myself and let me go.

Throughout the rest of my school years, including college, I worked as an office attendant, day camp counselor, locker room attendant, lifeguard, and swimming instructor at the Jewish Community Center of Wilmington (then known as the YM & YWHA).  During my senior year in college, I saw a sign at the JCC that asked if I had enjoyed being a camp counselor in the summers. Reading further, it was suggested that being a social worker with groups would be as enjoyable. I learned that fellowships were available for people willing to work for at least two years in a Jewish Community Center. I applied for that fellowship and for a master’s degree program in social work, got both, and started my professional career in 1962 at the Jewish Community Center of Louisville, Kentucky.  Two years later, I worked as a social group worker at Hull House Association in Chicago, then subsequently as a manager, a public official, and a consultant.  You can view the details of my career by clicking the "Career" tab above.